ACLU-MD's 2025 General Assembly Priorities

The ACLU of Maryland’s legislative program is dedicated to protecting the rights and liberties of all Marylanders and we work with local, statewide, and federal leaders to realize the promise of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. In addition to these priorities, the ACLU acts as our state's first responder on bills that threaten rights.

The goals of the Public Policy Department are similarly rooted in the organization’s commitment to serving marginalized communities. Specifically, we aim to:

  • Disrupt the systems and practices that privilege persons and groups with access to resources and disadvantage communities’ directly impacted by injustice in their ability to advocate independently for policy change. We will be explicit and dogged in our goal to shift power, resources, expertise, and other means of advocacy to impacted persons.
  • Center the voices and experiences of communities directly impacted by injustice during internal deliberations about our institutional priorities and strategic decisions. This means that persons impacted by injustice lead policy advocacy efforts—they make key decisions about what reforms are needed; and
  • Disrupt existing power dynamics in the Maryland General Assembly that disadvantage legislators who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC), and legislators who represent BIPOC communities.

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