The ACLU of Maryland aims to preserve and extend constitutional and statutory rights to persons who have historically been discriminated against on the basis of race. We have also assumed the additional charge of helping Maryland overcome the stains of a history of legal segregation that manifests itself in structural and institutional racism that still exists. That legacy expresses itself in rural areas like the Eastern Shore as well as in Baltimore City, where historic racism has contributed to a concentration of people with low income within a densely populated urban setting now undergoing economic transition.


Because Black Lives Matter, the ACLU of Maryland works to end racism and oppression against Black people.

The ACLU of Maryland knows that Black people deserve to always have their whole selves and voices considered and valued in the laws, policies, and practices of our institutions, particularly in our government.

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We will never achieve racial justice in America if this country does not examine the impact of slavery and its legacy – and make strides toward achieving reparatory justice.
Reparations are about acknowledging the damages inflicted on Black Americans through enslavement and post-emancipation exclusionary polices; repair, healing, respect, and restoring Black dignity and reconciliation, so that we can walk together to create a more just and humane society.

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