ACLU of Maryland filed a lawsuit challenging Calvert County Sheriff Evan's onerous use of fees to block our request for access to public policing records.
ACLU-MD filed this lawsuit as a result of receiving disturbing accounts from local residents about invasive police searches of Black people, and the Sheriff’s demanding a fee of more than $12,000 to see documents about these searches. ACLU-MD sued Calvert County Sheriff Mike Evans and his office in order to access this vital information that should be made public under Maryland’s Public Information Act (MPIA).
Support and organizing for local police accountability are growing in Calvert County, and the community has a right to know how law enforcement treats all residents.
The team involved in filing this legal action includes Adam Abelson, Justin Lewis, and D’Ann Vermilye of Zuckerman Spaeder LLP, and Deborah Jeon, Gina Elleby, and Dara Johnson of the ACLU of Maryland.