The following is a statement from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Maryland and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) regarding news reports that Governor Larry Hogan is raising campaign funds specifically to thwart efforts to fully fund Maryland public schools, even as the State of Maryland is subject to litigation in the Bradford vs. Maryland State Board of Education.
“Instead of increasing funding to support our children, why is Governor Hogan raising money specifically to fight against equitable funding for Maryland schools? Why does he oppose securing the necessary funding to improve school and life opportunities for our state’s next generation of leaders? Why is he squashing the potential and promise of the Black and Brown students in school districts which have been historically underfunded?
“Governor Hogan has consistently claimed that education is his top priority, but is now raising money specifically to fight the statewide effort to secure equitable funding for children in public schools. This effort is especially critical in districts that have been severely underfunded for decades and have the largest populations of Black and Brown students.
“If Maryland fails to bring our education system into the 21st Century, every student in the state will be harmed. Tactics like Governor Hogan has used to stifle and delay student opportunity will absolutely compromise Maryland’s workforce and future economic growth, which is unacceptable to the vast majority of Marylanders.
“We must defend our state constitutional right to education."
See an interactive timeline, videos, and legal documents on the Bradford case here.