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Concerned that state prosecutors are getting paid to allow private companies to issue official threats of prosecution, which pressure individuals into paying those companies "program fees" to avoid criminal charges, the ACLU of Maryland and national ACLU filed public records requests seeking details about these so-called "private prosecution programs."

The Maryland Public Information Act request was sent to state's attorneys in 12 Maryland counties  -- Anne Arundel, Baltimore County, Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Prince George's, Queen Anne's, Talbot, and Washington -- who appear to have contracts with CorrectiveSolutions to operate such programs.

1/14/13 press release: ACLU Questions State's Attorneys About Authorizing Private Companies to Threaten Prosecution For Profit

MPIA requests to 12 Maryland counties (PDF) 

Corrective Solutions

New York Times: "In Prosecutors, Debt Collectors Find a Partner" 9/15/12


David Rocah, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Maryland

Date filed

January 14, 2013

