When someone you love passes away inside a Maryland prison or jail, it can feel impossible to find out what happened. While the process for seeking death-related information can differ depending on the facility, this guide hopes to shed some light on where to start.
Important Note: This is general information, not legal advice. For legal advice, you must consult a private attorney. The information on this page reflect the rules in place as of October 2023.
What may Maryland jails and prisons require before releasing incident reports, medical files, and other records about your loved one’s death1?
- Court records showing you are the personal representative of your loved one’s estate;
- A written and notarized request for the records; and
- Payment for copies of the records.
Even if you are the personal representative, the facility may still deny records for various reasons. If your request is granted but you cannot afford the copy fees, you can ask for an income-based waiver.
For help, visit or call the local Register of Wills website (find your county office). You can schedule an in-person appointment. The required forms and a helpful guide are available online: