Watch highlights from the press conference calling for legislators to pass the Maryland Second Look Act.
The Maryland Second Look Act builds off of the Juvenile Restoration Act and allows individuals who have served at least 20 years, and have demonstrated their rehabilitation, the ability to have judges take a second look at their sentence. The Maryland General Assembly must pass SB 132 before the end of session. Lives and futures depend on it.
Video by Nehemiah Bester.
00:00 – 00:18
Del. Cheryl Pasteur
This is about just how angry I am. I have heard every excuse for why Second Look is a problem. So if folks turn their backs to this shame, shame for you.
00:18 – 00:29
Sen. Jill Carter
By allowing individuals to petition for a sentence review after two decades of incarceration. This act aligns with principles of fairness, compassion, and evidenced-based criminal justice practices.
00:29 – 00:44
Gwendolyn Levi
I was so grateful to be able to come home. The women that I left behind, some are 80 years old. One friend of mine has dementia. She doesn't even know why she's still there. She doesn't even know why she even got there. Yet we still hold her.
00:44 – 00:59
Bobby Pittman
For individuals when they come out of prison, they get me and others, peers, that come to these individuals and show them the things that we have learned since we have reentered society. I came home, I been home one month, and I had two jobs.
00:59 – 01:14
Aisha Braveboy
I can tell you that of all of those who we have been able to get reduced sentences for who are out in our community, exactly zero of them have reoffended. These are individuals who have proven themselves.
01:15 – 01:31
Nigel Jackson
I encourage this legislation and these wonderful people that are trying to push this bill that realize that in America we have the biggest prison population in the world. So that means somebody in everybody's family is being affected. Give people a second chance that's how I came home.
01:31 – 01:42
Kareem Hassan
The Second Chance Act, you're looking at right here, you're looking at it right there. You're looking at it right there, right there. And it works. So don't let us down.