Past Events

Police Accountability Workshop

Montgomery County Needs Police Accountability

Join ACLU of Maryland, Montgomery County Chapter, on November 6, 6:30pm at the Silver Spring Civic Building for a Police Accountability Workshop. Learn how to use your power and voice to advocate for police accountability.

November 6, 2019 to
November 7, 2019

Baltimore City Council Hearing to End Gag Orders

For many years, victims of police brutality in Baltimore City have been paid settlements from public coffers in exchange for their silence. Non-disparagement clauses, aka gag orders, force victims who receive compensation to sacrifice their first amendment rights in exchange. 
September 16, 2019

Lights for Liberty - Frederick

Join the RISE Coalition of Western Maryland and ACLU of Maryland on July 12th for Lights for Liberty which will shine a light on the horrific abuses of the Trump administration in human detention camps and its local counterparts.
July 12, 2019 to
July 13, 2019