Following the 2020 Presidential Election – and in the midst of a global pandemic, decennial redistricting, increased mobilization of white supremacists, and threats to our democracy, civil rights and civil liberties – many Marylanders exercised their right to vote in the 2022 Midterm Election.
Throughout 2022, the ACLU of Maryland and our partners worked tirelessly to ensure an accessible and secure election season for Maryland voters. In the General Election, over 382,000 Marylanders voted at early voting polling locations, and 541,000 voted by mail. In addition, over a million voters cast their ballot on Election Day. A central part of the ACLU of Maryland’s work is to dismantle white supremacy and its systems that intentionally marginalize the needs and vision of people most impacted by injustice.
The ACLU of Maryland centers this mission in our everyday work, including during election seasons.
This report was created and edited by Warren Small and Amy Cruice.