(Images designed by Nicole McCann.)
Our vote is pivotal to make change and without it our collective power is weakened. The horrific, anti-civil rights rulings by the Supreme Court this past session have set a dangerous precedent. Our democracy does not work if our constitutional rights are overruled. That’s why we must vote.
All politics begin at a local level so we’re doing everything we can to make sure you’re prepared this election season. Each of us has a role to play in making fundamental change and your vote is one of the most powerful tools to protect and advance our rights. Here is everything you need to know to prepare you to cast your ballot in Maryland.
First things first – know your rights! Information is power, and with voter misinformation and suppression spreading in the U.S., it’s important to be aware of the facts.
You have the right to vote if you are:
- 18 years old by the General Election (November 8, 2022).
- A Maryland resident.
- A U.S. citizen.
- Not currently incarcerated for a felony conviction.

Next, let discuss eligibility. Each year there are votes that never get cast because many people don’t think they can vote. Let’s clear the air of any misinformation.
Yes, you can vote in Maryland if you are:
- Unhoused.
- In jail or prison pre-trial or serving a misdemeanor sentence.
- On parole or probation.
- A returning citizen (you've been in jail or prison before but are out now).
- In college (you can vote at your permanent address or where you live while attending school).
- In confined housing, such as a juvenile detention facility, mental health facility, or nursing home.

There’s a huge difference between looking at a checklist and completing a checklist. Make sure yours is complete. Check out our Voter Checklist for the Maryland election below to make sure you are fully prepared to vote.
- Register to vote! You can register to vote in Maryland: online, by mail, or in person.
- Check your voter registration information! Double check your information and poll location.
- Vote! There are several ways to vote in Maryland: by mail, in person during early voting, or in person on the Primary & General Election Days.

Don’t want to chat with an answering machine and in need of assistance? Call our Election Protection Hotline to speak to a real person and get help with any question or concern about exercising your right to vote.
Problems at the polls? Call ACLU of Maryland's Election Protection Hotline: (667) 219-2625.
- The hotline will be open July 6-19, 2022 for residents to call with questions or concerns about voting in Maryland.
- Hotline staff resolve issues for individual voters and investigate possible violations of voting rights in Maryland.
- Hotline staff can provide information about: voter eligibility, voter registration, voting by mail, early voting, Election Day, drop boxes, and more.

Last, but certainly not least, is knowing the dates and deadlines of the Primary and General Election. We’ve got you covered.

For more information, visit our Election Protection page and learn more about our commitment to voter empowerment – plus, it’s available in English and Spanish. Every vote matters. Make sure to cast yours!