Town Hall: Equity for Students Now!

January 27, 2021 @ 6:00 pm
@ 7:30 pm

TAKE ACTION on critical education funding and policy matters for the 2021 legislative session.

Schools statewide have been grossly underfunded over the past decade and state action to put education funding back on track is long overdue. Adequate education funding is a fundamental constitutional state responsibility — all Maryland public school students have a right to education!

Further, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated disparities that already disproportionately impact Black and Brown, English language learners, special education students, gifted learners, and students from families with low income. Hear from our Keynote speaker, Emma Dorn, Global Education Practice Manager for McKinsey and Company discuss the impact of COVID-19 and learning loss and the associated disparities.

Join the Maryland Education Coalition as we discuss critical education funding and policy matters for this legislative session and how we can work together to ensure that the rights of Maryland’s children are a top priority! Topics will include:

  • How can we ensure an override of the Governor’s veto of the $3.4 billion Blueprint bill (Kirwan)?
  • How can funding equity in the Blueprint bill be improved?
  • What is needed to address learning loss, digital equity, and funding losses from declines in enrollment
  • How can we take action collectively now and throughout the session to ensure your legislators are working towards addressing important education issues?
  • What is in the Governor's budget for education for the upcoming year?

Maryland Education Coalition Members:

Advocates for Children and Youth (ACY);
Arts Education in Maryland Schools (AEMS)'
Arts Every Day (AED);
Attendance Works;
Decoding Dyslexia Maryland (DDMD);
Disability Rights Maryland (DRM);
League of Women Voters Maryland;
Let Them See Clearly (LTSC);
Maryland Coalition for Gifted and Talented Education (MCGATE);
Maryland PTA;
Maryland Out of School Time & MD Coalition for Community Schools (MOST/MD4CS);
Maryland School Psychologists Association;
Maryland State Conference- NAACP;
Parent Advocacy Consortium (PAC);
Public Justice Center;
Right to Read- MD;
School Social Workers in Maryland (SSWIM)