Frederick Unity Rally

October 6, 2019 @ 2:00 pm
October 7, 2019 @ 3:45 pm

Join the ACLU of Maryland and the RISE Coalition of Western Maryland for a Unity Rally to celebrate our immigrant community and show Sheriff Jenkins that we are united against hatred and white supremacy. We must come together to drown out the fear-mongering with a huge and loud celebration! 

Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins refuses to hold a public Steering Committee meeting to answer questions from residents about the anti-immigrant 287(g) program. Yet, Jenkins is cohosting a rally this week to promote this program, which undermines public safety by authorizing local police to act as ICE agents. 

Sheriff Jenkins also invited anti-immigrant VIPs (who are mostly from out-of-town), including the director of a known hate group, "FAIR", and the former Director of ICE, to rally in support of his policies.

Come to the Carroll Creek Amphitheater at 2:00 p.m. We will gather to enjoy food, music, fun activities for kids, and hear community leaders and elected officials speak on the values of diversity and inclusivity for a better, safer community for ALL. 

If you'd like to help us provide food, drinks, etc, please sign up here

Speakers Include:

  • Congressman Jamie Raskin, MD District 8
  • Dana Vickers Shelley, Executive Director of the ACLU of Maryland
  • Alderman Ben MacShane
  • Mayor O'Connor 
  • Rev. Carl Gregg, UUCF 
  • And other community leaders 

Nuestro sheriff, y el Club Republicano de Frederick, han invitado a VIPs antiinmigrantes a nuestra comunidad para unirse en apoyo de sus políticas. Apoyar 287 (g) es una cosa. Invitar a racistas conocidos de un grupo de odio y un grupo extremista nativista es otro, y habla por sí mismo.

Debemos unirnos para ahogar sus temores con una celebración ENORME y ALTA de nuestra comunidad de inmigrantes y mostrarles que estamos UNIDOS contra el odio y la supremacía blanca.

Ven al anfiteatro de Carroll Creek a las 2 p.m. Nos reuniremos para disfrutar de comida, música, actividades divertidas para los niños y escuchar a los líderes de la comunidad y los funcionarios electos hablar sobre los valores de la diversidad y la inclusión para una comunidad mejor y más segura para TODOS.

Si desea ayudarnos a proporcionar alimentos, bebidas, etc., regístrese aquí.

Los oradores incluyen:

  • Congresista Jamie Raskin, MD Distrito 8
  • Dana Vickers Shelley, Directora Ejecutiva de la ACLU de MD
  • Concejal Ben MacShane
  • Alcalde O'Connor
  • Rev. Carl Gregg, de la UUCF
  • y otros líderes de la comunidad