The ACLU remains concerned about the significant expansion of Baltimore City's youth curfew, which has been passed by the City Council and signed by the Mayor.
As you know, many organizations raised questions and concerns about the proposal and developed an alternate plan, noting that:
· Putting all youth under virtual house arrest enforced by police is more likely to criminalize youth than keep them safe or out of trouble
· There are better ways to support youth and families than putting all youth under virtual house arrest,
· The law will increase negative interactions between Baltimore police, youth, and their families even when youth are not in danger or doing anything wrong, and is likely to be enforced disproportionately against youth of color
The ACLU's Legal Department is monitoring the City's implementation of the law. Those negatively affected by the curfew can call our Civil Rights Complaint Line at 443-524-2558.
- Maryland Public Information Act request to Baltimore officials 080614
- ACLU letter to Baltimore officials 080614
- Press Release: ACLU Seeks Answers to Unanswered Questions about Baltimore's Expanded Curfew Plans
- Press Release: ACLU Raises Concerns with Far-Reaching Youth Curfew Proposal in Baltimore City
- Read the ACLU of Maryland letter to the Baltimore City Council.