Free Speech for Speakers in Support of Palestine

Free Speech is a Constitutional Right. Annapolis State House is in the background. People are at a rally in front of it. One person has a raised fist.

We’re Connected to History While Looking to the Future

The ACLU of Maryland will oppose unlawful efforts to shut down and chill non-discriminatory speech by Marylanders who are supportive of Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) and other Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities whose views do not align with the government’s political stance on Gaza, Palestine more generally, and/or Israel.

Just as the ACLU acted to protect the Constitution in the wake of September 11 and resisted former President Trump’s Muslim Ban, we will show up to support AMEMSA and BIPOC Marylanders' free speech rights.

What We’re Doing

The ACLU of Maryland is focused on protecting and expanding the rights of Marylanders.

Group of people outside at a protest. Someone is holding a sign that says, "No Justice, No Peace."

For many years, we have been particularly concerned about free speech violations that systemically suppress the expression of First Amendment rights by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in Maryland.

To that end, the ACLU of Maryland is monitoring and taking action to support individuals and organizations who experience First Amendment violations for speaking in support of the rights of Palestinians, against the violence in Gaza, and who criticize the actions and policies of the Israeli government and the U.S. government’s involvement in the crisis. We have particular concerns for students and civil servants who have been silenced and even punished.

The ACLU of Maryland and our national office have consistently challenged the false contention that speaking out against a country's governmental actions is the equivalent of hate speech against individuals and groups of people who are marginalized.

Why We’re Doing It

The ACLU of Maryland’s mission is to empower Marylanders to exercise their rights so that the law values and uplifts their humanity.

Group photo of ACLU of Maryland staff at BWI airport to support Muslim people arriving who were impacted by Trump's Muslim ban.

We are committed to centering race equity in our work, internally and externally, in order to better support and be accountable to BIPOC Marylanders, whose civil rights and civil liberties are systematically threatened by white supremacy.

Historically, the ACLU has sought to protect the public’s freedom of speech under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and here at the ACLU of Maryland we seek to reclaim the First Amendment as a tool to advance racial justice. Time and again over decades, we have seen that the most difficult First Amendment challenges are those involving systemic violations experienced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, who are subjected to routine, broad, and legally sanctioned infringements on their rights of speech, assembly and association.

ACLU of Maryland Defends Free Speech Rights of Arab, Muslim Students in Howard County Schools

Press Release

SENT stamp over first page of a letter sent to Howard County school system.

Arab and Muslim students at River Hill High School have been censored by their school administration on multiple occasions over the last seven months, in violation of their First Amendment rights. The ACLU of Maryland, on behalf of students from River Hill High School, and their parents, sent a letter to the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) to demand that the school system protect the First Amendment rights of Arab and Muslim students and work to repair the harm caused by their school administration.

School censorship of political speech and viewpoint discrimination are unconstitutional under the First Amendment. At a time of rampant Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian rhetoric, HCPSS appears to be censoring only Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian (AMEMSA) speakers and other speakers in support of Palestine.

The letter makes clear that HCPSS must cease censoring student speech in support of Palestine in accordance with the First Amendment, and remedy the past harms done to these Arab and Muslim students and their families. The ACLU recommends that the schools take measures to protect AMEMSA students from Islamophobia, including taking suggestions from the students themselves. The students and their families also deserve an apology for the actions taken by the schools, and the disrespect exhibited towards them over the last seven months.

ACLU of Maryland Statement in Support of CASA and the First Amendment

Press Release

A group photo of CASA members wearing red CASA t-shirts. Several people have their first raised.

The ACLU of Maryland firmly supports CASA and their fundamental First Amendment right to issue statements of public concern in the public forum. It would be both wrong and unconstitutional for the Montgomery County Senate Delegation, or any government officials, to act on threats to punish CASA based on their protected political speech.

CASA was founded by people fleeing violence in Central America, and provides the Maryland immigrant community with basic services, jobs, health services, and English classes, and creates the possibility for immigrants to build the foundation for thriving in their community. CASA builds power for positive social change from the ground up, with an intentional focus on working class Black, Latino/a/e, Afro-descendent, and Indigenous communities. In its statement, CASA expressed solidarity with the people of Palestine, stating that they “strongly support[] the struggle for decolonization” and “condemn[] the outrageous attack by Hamas on Israel”, and “call for an immediate cease-fire to save all precious life”.

ACLU of Maryland Supports CAIR Lawsuit Defending Free Speech of Teachers in Montgomery County

Press Statement

Sergio Espana and Nick Taichi Steiner with their children at Sanctuary DMV rally

“The ACLU of Maryland commends and supports CAIR’s effort to protect the First Amendment rights of teachers in Montgomery County."

Nick Taichi Steiner, senior staff attorney with the ACLU of Maryland, issued a statement regarding the lawsuit filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), El-Haggan et al v. Board of Education, Montgomery County.

Keep CAIR on Maryland's Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention (HB 763)

Dana Vickers Shelley testifies in Annapolis.

Dana Vickers Shelley is in Annapolis in a group photo with two staff from CAIR and Sergio España and Yanet Amaneual from the ACLU of Maryland.

Dana Vickers Shelley, executive director at the ACLU of Maryland, testified in on Friday, February 16, 2024. She urged legislators to keep the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Maryland's Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention (HB 763).

“With Islamophobic violence increasing, and hostility to Pro-Palestinian speech growing, this is the worst time to shut out the organization advocating for the humanity and rights of Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian Marylanders.

The State Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention needs the voice and expertise of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in its deliberations and decision-making.”

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Video Transcript:

00:00 – 00:28
Dana Vickers Shelley
Good afternoon Mr. Chairman and committee members. I'm Dana Vickers Shelley, Executive Director of the ACLU of Maryland. I'm speaking in addition to the testimony that we've submitted. We respectfully urge that unfavorable report on HB 763, unless it is amended, to keep the Council on American-Islamic Relations Maryland Office as a member of the Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention.

00:28 – 00:58
Dana Vickers Shelley
HB 763 is also a premature move when HB 748 is only proposed legislation, so there is no legally established criteria to justify this action. With Islamophobia and violence increasing and hostility to pro-Palestinian speech growing, this is the worst time to exclude the organization and leader advocating for the humanity and rights of Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian Marylanders.

00:58 – 01:33
Dana Vickers Shelley
Just last week, CAIR filed a lawsuit to defend the rights of Montgomery County teachers, to share their pro-Palestinian opinions without being punished for their views. The ACLU has consistently challenged the false contention that speaking out against governmental actions is the equivalent of hate speech against people and groups who are marginalized. The State Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention needs the voice and expertise of the Council on American-Islamic Relations Maryland Office and its leadership in its deliberations and decision making.

01:33 – 01:41
Dana Vickers Shelley
For the aforementioned reasons, I urge an unfavorable report on HB 763 unless it is amended. Thank you.


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ACLU of Maryland 2020 group staff photo on Zoom shown on a laptop. The background is the ACLU-MD brick building with sign.

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