Three plaintiffs, Marvin Amilcar Dubon Miranda, Ajibade Thompson Adegoke, and Jose de la Cruz Espinoza, represented by the Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights Coalition, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the ACLU of Maryland are challenging the Trump administration’s failure to provide fair hearings to people in immigration detention.

Many of these individuals, including asylum seekers, were denied release without the government ever having to justify their imprisonment, in violation of their rights to due process under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Others were found eligible for release as they await their immigration proceedings, but are currently detained solely because they lack the financial resources to buy a bond for their freedom, in violation of their rights under the Due Process Clause and the Immigration and Nationality Act.


Nick Taichi Steiner, Sonia Kumar, ACLU-MD; Michael Tan, ACLU IRP, Claudia Cubas, Adina Appelbaum, Jenny Kim, Melody Vidmar, CAIR Coalition; Deborah Marcuse, Saba Bireda, Claire Horan, Austin Webbert, Lucy Zhou, Anneke Dunbar-Gronke, Whittney Barth, SHS

Pro Bono Law Firm(s)

Sanford Heisler Sharp, LLP

Date filed

April 30, 2020


District Court for the District of Maryland


Catherine Blake



Case number
